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Role playing game

Course planning - Step
The rollplay

General information on the method of the rolling game:


Rolling games in pedagogical contexts require professional competence. They therefore require a knowledge / overview of the methodological possibilities, an empathetic design and a well-founded reflection as well as a practical review of the findings. For this reason, we would like to draw your attention to the following introductory thoughts and notes on the topic of rolling games. At the same time, they facilitate and explain the content of the materials contained.

The Rolling Game - a complex method of appropriating social reality

The role playing game is a method in which the discussion of real-world themes is carried out in a playful way. Due to the self-responsible design of the roles as well as the assumption of various perspectives, not only the background and motifs are recognized by the participating actors, but they are also presented as alternative actions. This method can be used in a wide variety of workspaces in order to be able to imitate group-relevant topics (current situations / problems / conflicts of everyday life) or even to process them in a forward-looking manner

The aim of this method is,

  • To clarify attitudes and behaviors
  • Starting points for presenting changes
  • To train participants, to observe themselves and their social environment
  • To empower the participants to present conflicts and to analyze them
  • To consciously experience their own behavior and to practice new behaviors

In summary, it can be said that the rolling game is a good pedagogical method, in order to develop a feeling for the differentiation of one's own identity among the participants. Through the interaction with the other participants, not only one's own perception is sharpened, but also the social competences are addressed, which in turn enables them to find their own role / position within groups and to separate themselves from the other group members.

Variations of the Rolling Game:

  1. Spontaneous rolling
    • Game situations from the immediate field of experience of young people (for example, Cyber mobbing at school / sports club / circle of friends)
    • No major preparation is necessary since the situation to be played is known to the participants from everyday life; a short adjustment suffices:
      • Specification of a framework agreement
      • The play sequence and the design of the rollers is flexible
      • Attention: Spontaneous does not mean arbitrary action / action, but fast implementation of the play idea
    • Playing time:Approx. 10 minutes
  2. Guided rolling game
    • The situations to be reproduced do not come from the direct experience / everyday world of the children / adolescents
    • They take into account possible future life situations
    • Requirement of preparation by the expert (preparation and follow-up):
      • Information material for the game,
      • Rolling cards with references to the characters
      • Well-structured follow-up by the management
    • It is suitable for areas which reach a very personal level or are highly conflict-prone

The game management should:

  • The method of the rolling game itself also like to exercise (little joy in the playing also affects the young people)
  • Prepare yourself well for the roll-up game (observe the life of the participants in the planning)
  • Disclose accurate game and observation criteria
  • Ensure a trouble-free operation (no foolishness, no insults)
  • Individual needs and group dynamics
  • Keep an overview
  • Intermediate (for example, in the case of inconsistencies among the participants)
  • Provide assistance, if necessary (for example, support by helpful questions in critical situations of the game or as an actor if one of the participants needs help)
  • The time and the duration of the game in view, too long scenes reduce the concentration

For a successful use of the method some didactic rules should be followed:

  • The participants have a good knowledge of the subject.
  • Sufficient information about the role to play.
  • No compulsion to take over the role:Participants decide whether they want to play.
  • Sufficient time for preparation and preparation (no time pressure).
  • Clear identification of the observer group as well as their tasks (who is part of it and what should they pay attention to?).
  • No action in front of the audience if the group is not ready for it.
  • The game should not take place on a stage or similar, unless the group expressly wishes. There is the risk that they may develop into an entertaining play or the participants can be observed and / or performed (player and observer on the same level).

The implementation

1. Warm-up phase

Above all in the work with young people the pedagogical staff is constantly faced with the challenge of establishing a group-dynamics as valuable as possible and cooperative between the participating actors. The phase of adolescence is often characterized by psychosocial changes such as: "Everything is embarrassing", "Shame feeling in front of the group" or "I am the wild boar". It is therefore important that the pedagogical specialist ensure that there is an open communication as well as a collegial attitude between the participants. Be embarrassed to each other, laughing or insulting has no place here. No group member should be afraid of being part of the group.

Before the actual roll-up is prepared and finalized, it may be of great advantage to relax up in the group with one or more of the warm-up / relaxing exercises listed here (see Extrablatt: "Exercises for the warm-up phase").

If it is already an experienced group, which has already done a lot of roll games and also knows very well or a collegial co-operation prevails, the warm-up phase can either be kept very short or even completely eliminated.

In the case of a group composition in which the participants are only familiar or not familiar at all, it is advisable to start the warm-up exercises with an introductory match to start the group process.

2. Preparation phase

After the group has relaxed up and find some time closer together, the preparation of the rolling game begins. To this end, the group is first introduced into the situation to be played through a case study. This can be done, for example, by reading the case example or by a silent read-in time or, if necessary, by a video available (see "pool of ideas").


In our pool of ideas you will find various case studies on the subject of Cybermobbing and its appearances. You can choose an example from this or you can pick up a current case in the group or the media.

After familiarizing the group with the event, a first brief exchange of information on the present situation is necessary to ask questions or to carry out first minor discussions. Subsequently, it is possible to divide the group into small groups, with the idea that after a 10-minute training period, they present / play a sequence from the described case in a short intro. In this way, a first contact with the context, the persons involved, as well as their thoughts and feelings can be established. If the timeframe does not allow this or is not a profitable action for the group constellation, the direct introduction to the specific preparations for the roll game can take place after the case presentation and discussion. For this, it is necessary that the game line precisely defines what exactly is to be represented by means of the information playfully. We offer you two versions with variable materials. However, you are also free to design your own roller cards or to work with the participants.

Rolling Game "Court ruling"

Here we provide a detailed list of the participating actors as well as roll cards with corresponding indications for the occurrence / behavior of the respective actor. In order to provide a broad scope for action, the cartridges contain only sketchy frame information, which makes it possible to introduce and test individual ideas. It is also up to you which roles you would like to occupy in your game. Not for each group or not for each case, all roles are necessary. We also point to the fact that the court proceedings which have been carried out have a wide scope for legislation. Even if the legal situation has already been discussed, individual ideas can be incorporated. It shows the system of a court hearing and does not have to correspond to the legal system in your country.

Roles that can be filled:

  • Affected person
  • Offenders
  • Judge
  • Jury
  • Lawyers
  • Followers
  • Mother / father of the person concerned
  • Mother/ father of the offender
  • 'Supervisor' (for example, class teacher/ trainer)

The other participants observe the interaction (see also observation sheet).


Sometimes it can be helpful that the participating actors can be better to put oneself into the role to be played with certain accessories. Some examples:

  • Judges / lawyers / lawyers with a robe or similar.
  • Teacher with strictly back combed / backed hair
  • Parents with blouse / shirt, possibly also a pair of glasses

In this case, the necessary accessories should be provided by you!

Role playing game "conference"

Here we provide a detailed list of the participating actors as well as roll cards with corresponding indications for the occurrence / behavior of the respective actor. In order to provide a broad scope for action, the cartridges contain only sketchy frame information, which makes it possible to introduce and test individual ideas.

Possible roles that can be filled (not all roles are required for each case):

  • Head of the institution (e.g., Director, Board of Directors)
  • Advisory Board (for example, teachers' representatives, members of the Executive Board)
  • Supervisor (e.g., class teacher / trainer)
  • Advisory board from the institution (for example, student council / pupil representation / ...)
  • Group spokesperson (e.g., class spokesperson / captain of the team)
  • Affected person
  • Offenders
  • Followers
  • Mother / father of the person concerned
  • Mother/ father of the offender
  • Witnesses (schoolmate / friend)

The other participants observe the interaction (see also observation sheet).


Sometimes it can be helpful that the participating actors can be better to put oneself into the role to be played with certain accessories. Some examples:

  • Director with suit / blouse & skirt and glasses
  • The casual perpetrators in fashionable clothes and the top mobiles etc.
  • The victim depending on the case, if necessary, in unfashionable clothes, little styled, simple mobile phone

In this case, the necessary accessories should be provided by you!

The roles to be filled can be divided into the following variants:

  • Individual participants voluntarily take over the roles to be filled and vote for the game on the basis of their rolling cards. Other participants will receive an observation sheet with which they will become familiar and help the players in their preparation.
  • Small groups are formed, which fill the roll to be played with life by means of the roll card. From these groups a volunteer will present this role throughout the game according to the elaborated content. The other participants form the observation group (with a sheet of observation).
  • In small groups, a detailed plan for the role to be played is created / written using the roll card. This script is then collected by the game director after 15 minutes and folded into a cardboard box. All volunteers who want to take a roll are now pulling one of the roll cards one after the other and have 5 minutes of reading time. If the lottery is a cause of displeasure, the roles can also be distributed according to preferences.

Tip: It is recommended that the actors make up a name, which they then make visible in front of themselves or by their clothes. The material which is needed for this should be mentioned by name.

Other techniques:

  • On focus of the role playing game outlined here is a main sequence. This can be played several times, in which further volunteers from the individual groups take over the role in another game. Or voluntary actors from different groups play the scene again.
  • In addition, after the negotiation / conference, a short monologue can be held by individual actors about what he / she is thinking, how he / she is, etc. (How is the victim after the trial? What kind of thoughts has the perpetrator?

The game can begin.

3. Game phase

The game guide introduces the group into the game, where you clearly welcome all to the court hearing / conference (exact place and time should be mentioned).

An example: "Welcome to the court hearing ruling at the Berlin district court on today's monday afternoon. It is being negotiated today in the matter... "

After that we recommend that the individual actors and also the observation / audience group be introduced into the game phase. This can be done with a handshake and a welcome greeting (including the function). Alternatively, the hand can also be placed on the shoulder of the actor to be introduced.

A possible entry into the respective roles can, for example, take place in this way: "We welcome our presiding judge ...... and their assessors Mr ... / Mrs .... Also present is ...

The players begin with the game. The game management does not interfere with the game, unless the group needs support in critical situations through helpful questions or as an actor if one of the participants needs help. It should also keep an eye on the playing time. Once you notice that the scene does not work anymore, you should end the game or move it to a new scene.

4. Dismissal phase

Important: After the role playing game, the management should release the actors from their role and lead them back to their own person. For the subsequent analysis of the illustrated event, a distance is required from the roles played: This prevents a projection from the embodied characteristics and conflicts from the game from being transferred to the real personalities.

"Thank you very much for your acting and welcome back dear... (all names)."

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