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What can students do?

Prevention program against cyberbullying

This prevention program should contain the following components:

  • Digital skills, sensitisation
    • Critical reflection about the use of media
    • Stronger safety measures for online behaviour
    • Further education for teachers and educators
    • Topic “bullying-cyberbullying” in the learning plan
    • Information and cooperation with the parents
  • Contact person
    • Building trust in order to find contact people easily and in time in case of cyberbullying
  • Social-emotional competences
    • Promotion of social and emocional skills
    • Health education

Schools should consider the following protective factors against the cyberbullying:

  • Knowledge
    • About media competences (Internet security and online behaviour)
    • About forms, scope, effects and also possible countermeasures and coping strategies against cyberbullying on the part of the school and the home environment.
  • Environment
    • Positive school environment, support from the family and social support from friends
    • Open discussion opportunities with teachers, parents and friends
  • Skills
    • Sufficient social-emotional competences (self-control, self-esteem, perspective taking, empathy, self-confidence, respectful handling of others)

The following instructive and emotional guidelines should be present:

  • Development of rules with the pupils: what I can do if I am being bullied.
  • Improve the classroom atmosphere
  • Esteem for each other learning
  • Strengthening self-confidence
  • Increasing empathy
  • Strengthening the community feeling
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