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In everyday social work

Role playing game

  • Children and adolescents from 12 years of age
  • Children's and youth facilities, leisure time, schools
  • 2-3 hours
  • A large room / hall or the like with enough space for a roll playing game (court negotiation / conference) and a chair circle or chair rows. It should also be a room in which it is ensured that no "undesirable" audience can see or disturb.


Pool of ideas

  • Children and adolescents from 12 years of age (Pupils, trainees, job-seeking young people)
  • Rooms for individual interviews, PC Internet access / helpdesk, create conversation atmosphere (drinks, equipment)


Discussion guide

  • Children and adolescents from 12 years of age (Pupils, trainees, job-seeking young people)
  • Max. 60 minutes per conversation
  • Rooms for individual interviews, PC Internet access / helpdesk, create conversation atmosphere (drinks, equipment)


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