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Class levels 7-8

Data and facts about cyberbullying

Representative data about cyberbullying frequency in the JIM study (German study) and the EU Kids Online survey (European study).

Cyberbullying in Germany

JIM-study by the Association of media pedagogical research Südwest (2013)

  • It has been conducting research on the use of media and information by people aged between 12 and 19 years old since 1998.
  • Facts about cyberbulling:
    • 12 percent of young Internet users said that false or offensive information about them had been spread on the Internet (especially those between 14-15 years old and 16-17 years old with 16% and with 20% of students in general secondary schools. Respectively 17% of students in vocational schools and 7% of those in grammar schools suffer.
    • In 12.5 percent of the cases, embarrassing or offensive photos or videos were put online without their permission.
    • 32 percent knew someone in their circle of friends who had been harassed on the Internet or by telephone (12-13 years old: 14%, 14-15 years old: 31%, 16-17 years old: 35%, 18-19 years old: 32%).
    • 23 percent mentioned they had an acquaintance who had already been harassed on the Internet.
    • 7 percent of young Internet users have become victims of cyberbullying (12-13 years old 5%, 14-15 years old: 9%, 16-17 years old: 8%, 18-19 years old: 5%). Here, the girls were more affected by 9 % than boys (5 %).

Is there anybody in your circle of friends who has been harassed on the Internet or by telephone?


  • In their circle of acquaintances: 23 %
  • In chat: 6%
  • On mobile phone: 5%
  • In forums: 2%
  • Somewhere else: 1%

Source: JIM 2013, data in percentage
Youth, information, (Multi-)Media. Basic study among 12-19 years old teenagers in Germany, made by the Association of media pedagogical research Südwest. Stuttgart, 2013.

Cyberbullying in European comparison

EU Kids online survey (2011)

  • Representative survey of 25,000 children and young people in Europe aged between 9 and 16 about their experience with cyberbullying.
    • 6 percent of children and young people asked at the European level confirmed that in the last 12 months they had contact with cyberbullying either as a victim or as perpetrator.

Online and offline bullying in European comparison

EU countries (%)

Question: In the last 12 months, has anyone hurt you or treated you in a mean way? Did this happen in the last 12 months on the Internet? Base: all children who use the Internet (EU Kids Online).


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